5 Best Yoga Positions to Ease Period Cramping
Period cramps. Ouch. The tell-tale sign that your period is on its way! As your uterus prepares to shed its lining, your body releases prostaglandins, a type of hormone that causes muscles in your uterus to contract. Our bodies are amazing, but dang those period cramps can get so annoying. During your period, it’s important to listen to your body and give it what it needs. We hear from menstrual cup users all the time how using a Saalt Cup helps them keep more in tune with their cycle and actually reduces cramping! The Saalt Soft Cup, designed for those sensitive to cramping, could be the perfect cup for you to find ease and comfort during your gentle Yin Yoga flow.
Here are our top 5 favorite period-cramp easing yoga poses. These don't take long by any means and you don't have to be a professional yogi to do them. You don't even have to have a yoga mat! Try them in bed as you're waking up to get the day started on the right foot. While you try these relaxing poses, don’t let a wet tampon string or pillowy pad ruin your flow. Take our quiz to find the sustainable period care product that’s right for you and get 10% off to make the switch to period bliss!
1. Child's Pose

Start at your hands and knees a bit wider than shoulder width apart and let your backside sink back in between your legs. This pose opens up your hips and lower back, especially helpful for those who experience achy lower back period cramps. Take three or four deep breaths, or stay as long as it feels right. Slowly shift your weight side to side to softly stretch out your side body as well.
2. Supine Twist Pose

For this pose, lay flat on your back pressing your shoulder blades against the mat. Then, slowly bend your knee, reach up with the opposing hand, and slowly let your knee fall toward the opposite side, creating a twist in your lower back and belly. Resist the urge to tug on your knee too hard and create too much pressure on your back. You can do this pose with just one knee or both at once. The twist in your belly essentially wrings out your muscles, allowing for a good release when you let go.
3. Bound Angle Pose

This is the money pose! It will melt all your menstrual worries away. Sit upright with your chest up and legs out in front of you, and as you exhale, bring your legs toward your body, with your feet meeting in the middle. If this pose is a little too hard on your knees, modify it until it feels good! It's all about feeling good friends. Keep your chest up, and slowly bend forward. This is the reproductive organ power pose! It also does wonders on relieving your digestive system, since unwanted stomach aches are a common symptom of PMS. For some extra delightful relief, lay flat on your back and bring your legs in the same way you did for the Bound Angle Pose. This really opens up your abdominal and chest muscles.
4. Inverted Leg Pose

Find a wall, sit on the floor facing the wall, lay back and move your legs up against the wall, so your body makes a 90-degree-angle. This pose is fantastic for regenerating your circulation, lowering your blood pressure, and reinvigorating your nervous system. It essentially gives your brain a refresh and a break, putting the ahhhh in asanas.
5. Corpse Pose

Once you have gone through some of the previous poses and you're feeling good, gently come into savasana, or corpse pose. Simply lay on your back, keeping your legs, hips, shoulders, and neck aligned, close your eyes and take some deep slow breaths. Let your feet relax and fall to the sides a bit, and let your mind turn off for a moment. Stay here as long as needed, then when you're ready open your eyes, roll to your right side, and slowly return to a seated position.
Hopefully you feel refreshed, and ready to take on the day! It's always great to take small moments for yourself and do what feels good. Have a wonderful day, friends!